Voters have to demand more from Congress

Published 12:00 am Sunday, September 23, 2012

The worst Congress in decades, and perhaps the worst in our nation’s storied history, recessed for the November elections in much the same way the group has conducted itself for months. With pointless posturing, Band-Aid measures that delay real decisions and an ineffectiveness stemming from blinding partisanship.

It is impossible to dispute that this Congress has been absolutely ineffectual and an embarrassment to our great nation.

It isn’t about politics.

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This is the only conclusion that an objective individual could come to after looking at the facts.

This is the earliest pre-election exit by Congress in 52 years, according to the Associated Press.

Recent polls show that public approval for the elected leaders is a dismal 13 percent, the lowest ever for an election year. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives and the Democrat-led Senate enacted only 173 laws, approximately half of what a typical Congress accomplishes.

The leaders left stacks of unfinished business including addressing the pending “fiscal cliff” that involves spending cuts and tax cut extensions, the farm bill that could have massive impact on those receiving subsidies and food stamps, and a variety of other measures.

Both political parties are to blame.

According to the Associated Press, “House Republicans walked away from the budget deal by pressing for further cuts to domestic appropriations and reversing some of the pact’s Pentagon cuts.”

The Democrat-led Senate was no better. They failed to pass a budget for the third year in a row and refused to approve any of nearly 40 job-related laws that have been passed by the House.

The American people have to stand up and take notice of what is happening in Washington, D.C. Until the interest level about what our leaders are doing matches that of popular sporting events or the hot new television show, we will get the same results.

It is time for our citizens to insist — first with our voices and then with our votes — that our elected representatives put partisan politics aside and start working together to move our country forward.

Anyone who refuses should be given a short stay in Washington.