Radio gifts important preparation

Published 10:21 am Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The key to coming through a natural disaster or crisis situation often hinges on how well we have thought ahead.

With September being National Preparedness Month, the Lawrence County Local Emergency Planning Commission has donated emergency alert radios to every school in the county. The agency has also given radios to all nursing homes, day cares, the Head Start program and government buildings.

These devices broadcast the NOAA weather alerts as well as other types of warnings transmitted across the Emergency Alert System including chemical spills, Amber alerts and civil emergencies equipped. The radios are also equipped with battery back-up so the devices will stay on even during a power outage.

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This is a positive step in that direction and the LEPC should be commended for their efforts and commitment to community safety.

Being prepared is certainly important to private citizens as well.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests four basic steps: Get a Kit. Make a Plan. Be Informed. Get Involved.

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No one can predict the future but the given is that being prepared can make all the difference when it counts.