Report card gets graded

Published 12:53 pm Wednesday, March 30, 2016

If you are a parent or teacher who was displeased in your school’s state report card scores, the Ohio Department of Education is giving you the opportunity to help refine the learning standards.

The ODE has posted online surveys for parents, teachers and others to review math and English standards.

The current standards, known as Common Core, were adopted in 2010, and have come under fire for requiring distorts to produce certain results on standardized tests steering students away from a well-rounded education, which includes art, music and extracurricular sports and clubs.

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This is the first time the state has conducted a revision since the standards were put in place.

The revision will assess if the standards are suitable for a particular grade level, provide critical knowledge, lead to higher student achievement and whether or not they prompt schools to teach what’s considered important by colleges and employers.

Officials said suggestions will be reviewed by an advisory committee and any revisions will be posted by next January.

Those interested can review the standards and offer comments online at through April 5.