Councilman proposes business loop
Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 9, 1999
Ironton City Council member Joe Black will sponsor an ordinance that will mark an entrance at the downtown Ironton exit as the beginning of a business loop.
Thursday, September 09, 1999
Ironton City Council member Joe Black will sponsor an ordinance that will mark an entrance at the downtown Ironton exit as the beginning of a business loop. The loop would be similar to those in other cities and would direct traffic into the city and past downtown businesses, Black said.
There are several steps involved in the process of designating any type of business route or loop through the city, Black added. Sponsoring and passing a city council ordinance will serve to get the process underway, he said.
Other steps include approval from the Ohio Department of Transportation and support from state and other local government representatives, he said, adding that he has already contacted some of the necessary officials, who seemed receptive to the idea.
"I have spoken with the Ohio Department of Transportation about the possibility of this type of route, and they have directed that the proper course of action would be to lobby our state representative about this," Black said. "I have placed calls to Rep. Bill Ogg and am still waiting on an answer."
Black issued an open invitation of co-sponsorship to fellow council members at a recent City Council meeting and received positive responses. Council chairman Jesse Roberts will co-sponsor the ordinance, and Black said he hopes other council members might still add their signatures to the list.
"The route would direct traffic in at Hanging Rock and then to Park Avenue, Second Street and Third Street, and then it would exit at Coal Grove," Black said. "I think something like this could be very good for Ironton, both for the downtown businesses and hopefully for the economy in general."
Ironton’s proposed loop mirrors similar routes designated by cities throughout the state and country, Black said.
"This is something I believe could bring potential money into the business community, and if that happens the entire city would benefit from it," he said.
The issue will be further considered at tonight’s regular council meeting, scheduled at 6 p.m. on the third floor of the Ironton City Center.