Cast your ballots, secure the future

Published 12:00 am Monday, November 1, 1999

It’s your last chance.

Monday, November 01, 1999

It’s your last chance. If you have not decided to get up in the morning and hit the polls, let us persuade you to make the right choice.

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Voting is not just a right. It’s a responsibility.

When the Founding Fathers formed this country’s government, they said by the people, for the people. And that means we each have a chance to decide how our piece of America operates.

Politicians sign their name on the dotted line for elected office.

They walk their communities in search of supporters, telling us how they will support or not support issues important to us.

We should listen, rate each one, then cast our ballot, because these are the people who will govern our villages, towns, counties and public services.

It’s as simple as that.

When we do not cast our vote, we let our future be written by the few, not the many.

After all, an election might come down to one vote separating the right choice and the wrong choice.

Think of your responsibility. Drive or walk to your polling place, and help make the right choice.