Don’t miss chance to vote

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 2, 1999

Today is the day when Americans all across the country will shuffle off to the voting booth to make their choices for everything from school board member to mayor.

Tuesday, November 02, 1999

Today is the day when Americans all across the country will shuffle off to the voting booth to make their choices for everything from school board member to mayor.

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There will be good candidates and better candidates as well as a few who shouldn’t be on the ballot at all, let alone in contention for a local office.

But no matter who your choices are for this year’s election the most important task you have today is to get out and tell someone. In other words, you have to vote.

Even if you are just reading this after getting home from a long day at work, there is still time for you to run over to your local polling place and punch your card. Polls close at 7:30 p.m.

And whether you believe it or not, your vote really does count. Over the years, there have been many Lawrence County, state and national elections that could have had different outcomes if everyone had cast his or her ballot.

Being an American citizen is not an easy task. It comes with responsibilities. Getting out to vote is one of them.

Contributing to the process will allow you to possibly prevent someone from getting into office who cared only for his or her own interests and not what is in the best interest of the community.

Today is the day when you tell your current representatives and officeholders-to-be what you want for your county and school district as the new millennium dawns. Don’t miss your chance.