Lady Hornets start team from scratch

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 4, 2000

Coal Grove didn’t have a girls softball team until this season which puts the Lady Hornets at a disadvantage with the established programs.

Tuesday, April 04, 2000

Coal Grove didn’t have a girls softball team until this season which puts the Lady Hornets at a disadvantage with the established programs.

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But Blackwell is remaining upbeat.

"I think we’ll be competitive," said Blackwell who also started the women’s volleyball team at Ohio University Southern Campus.

"This is our first year for a program, but I think we’ll surprise people even if it isn’t in terms of wins."

Blackwell said the pitching department will be a strength with Stacy Easterling, Jonna Hitchcock, Cassi Ball, and Sarah Patterson.

"We have four pitchers and all of them seem very strong. They’ve come a long way in the last five weeks," said Blackwell.

On the other end of the pitching will be catcher Jennifer Johnston or Deanna Hufford.

"They’re both pretty good, so they’ll share the duties," said Blackwell. "They’ve got some honing to do, but for a first year team they’ve impressed me."

Ball figures to be at first base if she isn’t pitching. The backup looks to be Hitchcock.

Second base will go to Sarah Patterson while Hitchcock is at shortstop and Tara Jackson will handle third base.

"The infield is pretty good. They work well together. They all played little league together," said Blackwell.

The outfield will have Jessica Bryant in left field, Jennifer Christian in center, and Kara Easterling in right.

"We don’t have any seniors, so the sophomores and juniors will have to step up and take more of a leadership role," said Blackwell.

"We have some power hitters and a lot of quickness. With most of them running track, we should have some speed and endurance."

Blackwell said the players have hit well against a pitching machine and in scrimmages, but she said the lack of experience is showing up.

"We haven’t hit a lot of live pitching. Hitting is the most undetermined facet, but we have a lot of desire and heart," said Blackwell. "Still, we’re very pleased with how the players are doing. Every player can play two or more positions, so every player is very versatile."