Find out library’s importance today

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, April 11, 2000

Books are one of this world’s most precious resources.

Tuesday, April 11, 2000

Books are one of this world’s most precious resources. Throughout thousands of years, books have given us history, religion, common languages and the means whereby we can better ourselves.

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One of the best places to find that wonderful resource of pages has been the shelves of the Briggs Lawrence County Public Library.

This week, during National Library Week, all of the library’s locations – Proctorville, Chesapeake, South Point and Ironton – will have daily prize drawings for those patrons checking out books.

Young adults and adults who check out any five items during the week may enter daily drawings for prizes like T-shirts, mugs, books and other items.

Also, National Library Week will be Fine Free Week in the Briggs system.

All fines will be waived by patron request and free replacement library cards will be distributed for worn and lost cards.

So, go to the library today. Discover a truly remarkable resource within the pages of books.

And keep going back.

For what you learn, for the knowledge you gain about the world around you, you’ll be glad you did.