Shooting at inmate prompts inquiry

Published 12:00 am Thursday, May 25, 2000

Two Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department deputies remain on administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation into a Friday escape attempt.

Thursday, May 25, 2000

Two Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department deputies remain on administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation into a Friday escape attempt.

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"We are in an open investigation," Chief Deputy Jim Cochran said. "We do have two persons on administrative leave, but it is for disciplinary reasons only."

Deputies Paul Roach and Don Holbrook are under internal investigation for their involvement in the incident, during which prisoner Teddy Arlington, Private Drive 91, County Road 1, Chesapeake, attempted to escape from custody at the Lawrence County Courthouse, officials said.

"At this point, we are still in the investigative stage," Cochran said. "The only thing I have are violations of internal policy, nothing more."

Holbrook and Roach escorted Arrington to court Friday. While in the deputies’ custody, Arrington requested and was granted permission to use restroom facilities, officials said.

Instead of walking out of the restroom, Arrington reportedly attempted his escape by running out of the room, witnesses said. The deputy fired a warning shot in an attempt to stop the prisoner, but Arrington continued out of the courthouse on foot, reports said.

"It was an attempted escape," Cochran said. "The prisoner was recovered."

Law-enforcement officials re-apprehended Arrington about 600 yards south of the courthouse lawn near the Ohio River. His court date for misdemeanor charges was rescheduled,

The investigation and any disciplinary actions resulting from the incident are for infractions of internal policies –  not for any unlawful actions, officials explained.