Technology key to county future
Published 12:00 am Friday, December 15, 2000
Technology is spreading fast in our schools.
Friday, December 15, 2000
Technology is spreading fast in our schools. Already, districts target the need for computers, earmarking hundreds of thousands of dollars for classrooms, instructors, state-of-the-art communications equipment.
OUSC programs offer even more training and help for students.
Ironton school officials are seeking a Digital Village grant for the city.
Most recently, three districts – Fairland, Dawson-Bryant and Ironton – will receive up to $125,000 to merge their courses with technology, involve parents and provide online learning tools.
The effort greatly benefits students. And it heralds a fact we all should consider:
Technology will be at the center of future jobs, future families and our future economy.
The need to look around, find out how to keep one step ahead in this future-building is more evident than ever.
It will be exciting to watch, but more exciting to get involved