Handicapped housing program is flourishing

Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 15, 2001

Lawrence County Board of MR/DD officials saw money double this year for its handicapped housing program.

Thursday, February 15, 2001

Lawrence County Board of MR/DD officials saw money double this year for its handicapped housing program.

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MR/DD contracts with a non-profit board to renovate houses for its disabled and handicapped consumers. Consumers rent the homes, and sometimes have a later option to buy, MR/DD superintendent Jimmie Thacker said.

The program helps those who have difficulties living in standardized housing.

There has been a critical shortage for handicapped and disabled housing, Thacker said.

"This year, we’re being allowed to buy two homes, which is double what we’ve had in the past," he said.

In a letter earlier this month, the Ohio Department of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities approved $120,000 for the development of houses through the Lawrence County Board of MR/DD.

Not all local requests were funded but this year’s allocation has been the largest since fiscal year 1995-1996, as part of the state’s capital housing program, the state said.

And, the funding mechanism was changed to reflect the average cost of housing within each county, favoring the tax-poor counties, the state said.

With the local funding allocation, the Lawrence County board can buy two houses and renovate them to meet the needs of handicapped consumers, Thacker said.

Or, the board may try a pilot program.

It can build one new home with specifications to accommodate those with physical needs, Thacker said.

Those decisions will come later, but the boost in funding this year does mean more people will be helped, he said.