Ag agencies to sponsor informational program

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Tribune staff report

Farm owners and agriculture enthusiasts will have a chance this week to find out about dozens of different programs available to them in Lawrence County.

Wednesday, March 21, 2001

Email newsletter signup

Farm owners and agriculture enthusiasts will have a chance this week to find out about dozens of different programs available to them in Lawrence County.

The Gallia-Lawrence Farm Service Agency (FSA), Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and OSU Extension will meet Thursday with the Lawrence Soil and Water Conservation District in Linnville for an Ag Service Programs night, beginning at 7 p.m. Staff from each agency will review what’s new and important for those in the ag community, or for those with farmland. There will also be an update of tobacco information.

Here’s what each agency will have available:

– Farm Service Agency: Jim Herrell, county director for the agency, said he will have a current list of those wishing to lease away tobacco and forms such as FSA-60 that allows release of names on the Internet for those who are interested in leasing away quota.

FSA-237 is a certification that a producer is willing to conduct business and provide signed documents to the FSA by fax. It’s now required to be filed, and signing the form must be witnessed by an employee of the FSA, so save a trip to the FSA office by signing one of the forms at the meeting, Herrell said.

The FSA will also have fact sheets about the tobacco program; information about the Conservation Reserve Program; Wool Loss Market Loss Assistance Program; and honey loan deficiency payment program. For more information, contact Herrell at 1-800-391-6638.

-Soil and Water Conservation District: Administrative assistant Peggy Reynolds, district technician Donnie Myers and education coordinator Matt Capper will have information about the district’s programs, educational demonstrations, equipment rentals, log jame removal program, state cost share program, and others.

– NRCS: District conservationist Ralph Crawford will share information about technical assistance, conservation planning, Wetlands Reserve Program, Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, Environmental Quality Incentive Program, Emergency Watershed Program and other services available through NRCS.

– OSU Extension: Extension agent Dave Dyke will present information about publications, soil sampling and programs available through the extension program, as well as information about the Lawrence County Farmers’ and Crafters’ Market Inc.

The Thursday night meeting will be at the Soil and Water office in Linnville on Ohio 217. For information or directions, contact the office at 740-867-4737.