Ironton police to educate children with a little help from Safety Pup
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 25, 2002
The Ironton Police Department wants to provide the city's elementary school students with more information about safety. They've enlisted help from the National Child Safety Council in the effort.
This year, the police department is taking part in the NCSC's Safety Pup program.
It is aimed at children ages 5-12.
Teachers will receive booklets about subjects such as drug abuse awareness, playground safety, peer pressure, good touching versus bad touching and bike safety. Police Chief Bill Garland said bike safety is an especially important message children need to hear at a young age.
"Almost every bike accident we've had in the last couple of years has involved a child under 15," Garland said. "These kids are playing. They're not thinking about getting hurt. This is a way to make them aware and make them safety conscious."
The booklets will feature Safety Pup, the mascot who is portrayed as a role model and super hero.
Garland said he hopes area businesses and organizations will donate money toward the estimated
$2,444.40 cost of the program.
"Our program is only $2.91 per child this year. There are other programs available to our department. However, the council has the best materials available and the cost per child is the lowest we have found," Garland said. "The biggest thing is the kids. We want to do what we can for them. This is a means by which we can educate kids without it costing the city a lot of money."
The department is mailing letters of request to area businesses, industries and civic organizations asking for their support. Those who donate money will be listed as sponsors on the material.
Those who are not contacted for their support may send a contribution to the police department. Checks must be made payable to the National Child Safety Council.