Ironton schools decide to buy two-way radios
Published 12:00 am Friday, November 22, 2002
In Thursday's meeting, the Ironton Board of Education agreed to purchase two-way radios to keep key personnel in touch with each other, supervisors, and other school officials.
Superintendent Stephan Kingery said bus drivers, as well as custodial staff and maintenance workers at larger buildings, will carry radios. It is aimed at improving efficiency and speeding help in the event of an emergency.
"This will enhance communication with buses while they’re here in town," Kingery said. "You can’t use a cell phone and drive. The radios are more ready. A radio system can get messages to all the bus drivers at once."
It also means a principal can, for instance, contact a custodian anywhere in the building and advise them their assistance is needed in another area of the building without having to roam the halls looking for that person.
Kingery said the cost of the commercial two way radio system is approximately $5,500.
The board also granted a five-year extension to the Community Action Organization on its lease of the old Central School Building. The building’s boiler needed repairs, and CAO officials wanted the school district officials’ assurance that if they helped pay for the repairs, they would be able to use the building for a continued period of time.
The board also rescheduled its December meeting for Dec. 16. The meeting had been scheduled for Dec. 19, but that is the date for the district’s holiday dinner. That meeting will be at 6 p.m. at the administration building.