In the matter of opinion, nobody is right or wrong
Published 12:00 am Saturday, March 1, 2003
No two individuals believe alike, think alike or look alike. We all have different ways of looking at things, and even more ways of being who we are.
How boring would the world be if we all shared the same views and the same beliefs?
The hasty conclusions that opinions are the truth because they are popular or worthless because they are badly argued is absurd. One
who has an opinion of their own, but chooses to follow the opinion of others because it is more popular is not being true to themselves.
This page is full of opinions -- some popular, others unpopular, depending on with who you talk.
The fact of the matter is we can find a wealth of hidden knowledge in different opinions. How many times have you changed your stance on an issue because you heard or read a different opinion on it? I'll be the first to tell you this has happened to me more times than I can count.
One of my biggest flaws is I try not to be too opinionated. I analyze everything, see all arguments and, more times than not, can see all sides. While this is a good trait to have for remaining unbiased, it sometimes prevents me from taking a stand on an issue.
Which brings me to this page, the Opinion page. Tuesday through Sunday, people of all kinds are encouraged to write their opinions, whether we agree with them or not.
The purpose of the opinion page is to spark interest and debate regarding important issues in the community, state, nation and world.
Editorials appearing on the Opinion page (Our View) are based upon a consensus of opinion formed by the editorial board, made up of myself and our publisher, Kevin Cooper. Personal columns, such as those written by members of our staff, Leonard Pitts, Charley Reese and the legislators whose columns appear periodically, represent the opinion of the writer. These pieces not always reflect the opinions of members of the editorial board.
We welcome feedback in all forms -- writers are free to use their columns and our readers are free to use letters to the editor to express their personal views on any issue, provided they do not slander or libel members of the community.
No matter how hard we try,
this page is never going to
please everyone. In dealing with opinion, it is impossible for everyone to be on the same page. Debate is a healthy part of our society, the very grounds of which democracy was founded.
We encourage everyone to voice their opinions, but at the same time, we ask that you respect the opinions of others. Once we start believing that our opinions contain the whole truth or the only truth, our society has failed.
As the late Louis D. Brandei, the first Jewish justice to sit on the Supreme Court, said "In the frank expression of conflicting opinions lies the greatest promise of wisdom in governmental action."
Consider how dull life would be if we all looked alike, thought alike and acted alike. By learning to recognize our similarities and appreciate our differences, together we can overcome prejudice and intolerance, and we can work toward a more peaceful and productive world.
Shawn Doyle is managing editor of The Ironton Tribune. He can be reached at (740) 532-1445 ext. 19 or by e-mail to