Cleanup, rummage sale draw shoppers and cleaners

Published 12:00 am Monday, June 9, 2003

BURLINGTON-For two days they drug it in, scooped it together and then hauled it away. And they even did a little shopping.

The Burlington Community Cleanup and rummage sale, sponsored by the Concerned Citizens of Burlington, ended Saturday with a cookout at the community commons.

"We had four loads (taken to the dump) last year and four this year," cleanup co-chairman Ed Moellendick said. "It makes the community cleaner. We've picked up alongside the roads in addition to what people have pulled out of their yards."

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Those involved said they would have liked more volunteers to assist with the annual effort."We just need more help," Fayette Township Trustee Terry Wise said. "It seems like it's the same people every year."

While workers collected refuse in the back of the Burlington-Fayette Township Volunteer Fire Department, browsers gathered in front of the building to look through the items in the rummage sale.

"We had a lot of donations for the rummage sale," Concerned Citizens of Burlington President Harriette Ramsey said. "We've had a lot of community support for it."