Pray for our troops this Thanksgiving
Published 12:00 am Thursday, November 27, 2003
Tribune editorial staff
Today, most of us will gather around a table and count our blessing with our loved ones. After all, Thanksgiving is a family holiday.
But when loved ones are serving overseas, the meaning of family rings even more true. For the first time this year, a place at the table may be empty due to a family member serving overseas or, unfortunately, killed in battle this year.
As we sit down on Thanksgiving Day to recall all that we have and to thank our God for his generosity, we should take the time to thank our troops.
Today, thousands of our military personnel are engaged in dangerous operations in such far-flung countries as Afghanistan, Iraq and the Philippines,
fighting America's war against terrorism. Many of our troops will be spending the holidays away from their families so that we can enjoy the comfort of our own families and friends here at home, in safety.
As we sit at our tables, enjoying our freedoms, feasting on our turkeys and hams, we need to remember to pray for the soldiers who are still in some faraway land trying to establish peace. Let us remember the hundreds of men and women who died this year in battle. Pray for their children, some of whom will never know what it is like to have a father or mother because they gave their lives so that we could have the freedom to sit at the table this Thanksgiving.
Whether or not you agree with our recent military actions, all of us should be thankful for those who serve in our country's military and will spend this holiday season far from their own families.
We should be thankful for our freedom and the sacrifices of the soldiers who protect it for us.
They may not be home for Mom's or Grandma's turkey dinner and many will have to settle for MREs (meals ready to eat), but words of encouragement and praise could go a long way this Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving, and God bless our troops.