Sheriff#039;s deputy injured in early morning accident

Published 12:00 am Friday, November 28, 2003

FAYETTE TOWNSHIP- A Lawrence County Sheriff's deputy escaped serious injury after an early morning accident on U.S. 52 at milepost 19 near the Wal-Mart store in Burlington.

According to an Ohio State Highway Patrol report, a witness to the accident told troopers that Deputy Boyd Blake was eastbound on that highway when the cruiser began to fishtail on the rain-slickened pavement. The witness said the cruiser then struck a guardrail and some posts before going over an embankment.

According to the patrol report that was not complete as of press time,

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Blake was taken by SEOEMS to Cabell Huntington Hospital in Huntington, W.Va.

Lawrence County Sheriff's Office Major Jeff Lawless said Blake was treated and released.

Damage to the cruiser was extensive. The accident remains under investigation.