TR Road 112 residents hope for repairs soon
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 5, 2004
LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP - Residents who live on Township Road 112 in Lawrence Township hope they will soon see the light at the end of their tunnel.
Four weeks ago, the hillside underneath a section of the roadway began sliding downward, taking the gravel road with it. Since then, some residents have had to drive six miles to get to their mailboxes- a drive that used to be a half a mile's drive.
"I have to hit (State Route) 141 and go out about a mile and a half and then go up the other end of the road," John Fields said. "It rain last week and you can't even get through on a four wheeler now."
Lawrence County Engineer David Lynd said that his workers will drive pilings as part of the project. But so are a number of other projects. Last year's ice storm and heavy rains, followed by this spring's heavy rains have created road slips all over the county.
"We got calls yesterday about three new slips," Lynd said. "We're finishing one job today on Symmes Creek.
It's probably going to be two or three more weeks before we get there (to Township Road 112)."
Lynd said his workers do help townships with their road work from time to time, but this spring, they've contended with a lengthy list of road problems on county roads.
Lawrence Township trustee John Collier said once the county workers drive pilings to stabilize the hillside, Hartwig Excavating of Kitts Hill will back fill the area. This is one of two slips Lawrence Township officials are contending with at this time.