Pleasant surprise good reason to toot horn

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Speechless. Dumfounded. Overwhelmed. Ecstatic.

These are just a few adjectives that described how I felt Sunday after it was announced that The Ironton Tribune had been chosen the 2003 General Excellence award winner for Division I at the Associated Press Society of Ohio's annual awards banquet in Columbus.

Before the awards ceremony began, I was pretty confident we had a shot at the prestigious award - which in my eyes is synonymous to a Grammy in the journalism field. However, as the awards in the other categories were handed out, I became a bit pessimistic.

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First of all, let me back track a little to explain how the process works. In February, we submitted entries in 31 categories for the contest. Earlier this month, we were informed that we had won nine awards, but the exact placing was not revealed at that time (the placing includes first, second, third and honorable mention).

Glancing at the list of winners, our nine awards were behind only the Bucyrus Telegraph-Forum (14) and the Coshocton Tribune and the Port Clinton News-Herald (10 each).

Perhaps there were a few others I overlooked.

Therefore, depending on how high we placed, I thought we had a good shot at winning the General Excellence award.

After all of the individual awards were handed out, though, I was not as confident. We ended up with four second-place awards, four third-place awards and an honorable mention. Obviously, this in itself is a reason to be proud - after all, we were competing against 34 other newspapers - but I'm a bit greedy when it comes to competition.

Perhaps it is the former athlete in me. When I was playing sports in high school, nothing got under my skin more than losing. Second place or third place is OK, but that means one or two people did better than me.

A little dejected, I sat at the table with our publisher, Kevin Cooper, listening as awards were presented in the other four divisions (ours was the first to be presented). As we talked, the topic of General Excellence never came up - even though it was on my mind and, I'm sure, it was on Kevin's, too.

After all individual awards were presented in the five divisions, it was time to award the biggest prize of them all - the General

Excellence award. In the back of my mind, I thought we probably had a good shot at getting second or third place, but first place was probably out of the question. Then, it was the moment of truth.

Bucyrus was announced as the third-place winner. Coshocton was second. At this time, I had given up hope.

I turned around and was talking to Kevin as the judges' comments were being read. To be honest, I did not hear one word.

Later, I found out this is what I missed: "This newspaper looks sharp and seems to have a staff that can execute the paper's philosophy of design very well. This paper was a standout in this group, and we are pleased to name it winner in the General Excellence Category."

Then, somewhat faintly, I heard it: "The Ironton Tribune."

Elated, I turned around and shook Kevin's hand and proceeded to the front to accept the award. Inside, I wanted to pump a few fists, let out a few "woos" and exalt at the feat, but I kept my composure.

I'm just glad I didn't have to make a speech because I know I would have been at a loss for words.

I just want to thank the outstanding staff that contributed - news editor Michael Caldwell, sports editor Jim Walker, reporter Teresa Moore,

news clerk Debbie Smathers and Kevin as well as our newest hires, photographer Jessica St. James and reporter Lori Erwin. I couldn't ask to be surrounded by a better staff and this award exemplifies that.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm not one to toot my own horn, but this is the exception. I'm extremely proud of this honor and, besides, this is not tooting my horn: it is tooting our horns.

Are we perfect? No, far from it. Can we improve? Absolutely.

As nice as this honor is, it is not our ultimate goal. What we are here to do is serve our community, and we will continue to attempt to do that to the best of our ability. Awards are just icing on the cake.

Shawn Doyle is managing editor of The Ironton Tribune. He can be reached by calling (740) 532-1445 ext. 19 or by e-mail to shawn.