Party sends two to hospital, two in custody

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 14, 2004

PERRY TOWNSHIP - Two people were taken to area hospitals and two people taken into custody after a party during which adults allegedly allowed minors to consume alcohol.

Lawrence County Sheriff Tim Sexton said a 21- year-old man was stabbed numerous times throughout the body and was taken to an area hospital. A 17-year-old male juvenile has been charged with felonious assault in connection with the stabbing and was taken to an area group home.

A second person, a 19-year-old male, was hit with an object believed to have been a board and was also taken to an area hospital.

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Joseph McGranahan, 18, of 223 Township Road 1186, South Point was charged with felonious assault, assault on a peace officer and resisting arrest in connection with that incident. He was taken to jail. Information on the condition of the two victims was not immediately available.

"We are continuing to investigate this incident," Sexton said. "…People don't need to be having parties for underage individuals. When you mix alcohol and immaturity you get things like this."

Sexton said he will likely pursue charges against the adults who allowed the juveniles to drink the alcohol.