Are all churches the same? Well, not exactly

Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 8, 2005

I hear a lot of folk today reason that, "It really doesn't matter where you go to church, just as long as you go somewhere."

I appreciate their intention, but I must disagree with their theology.

When living in a close-knit community, offending a friend is high on our list of things to avoid. The old adage is not to discuss religion or politics - but since I'm a preacher and since this is a political column - I hope you'll allow me some leeway.

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Jesus said in the Bible, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heavenŠ" - Matthew 7:21-23

This verse dispels the myth that "all churches are the same." The verses go on to say that some will argue that they performed actual ministry in the Lord's name, but still God will say to them, "I never knew you: depart from me."

That statement is extremely alarming for all who desire to please God. When it comes to attending church, how do you know if you are headed down the straight and narrow or just down the wrong path? How can you be certain that you and your family will be eternally together and not eternally toasted?

My intention is not to convince those who are currently attending a good, Bible-believing church to leave. There are no "perfect churches." If you do find one, however, don't join itŠ for then it will no longer be perfect. We are all flawed somewhat.

But for those who are lookingŠ here are three questions to ask in selecting a church.

Is the Word of God proclaimed without apology? People today do not need a "warm fuzzy feeling" when they leave church. They need the truth of the Bible. Only then will they find answers that will help them face the trials of life. Further, we preachers must "keep the cookies on the bottom shelf." Fancy words are nothing unless they are centered in the Word of God.

Is the gospel of Jesus Christ the main focus? The Bible is clear about how a person gets to Heaven. Salvation is through Jesus Christ alone! There are no substitutes. Jesus said "No man comes to the Father but by me." You can't work your way to HeavenŠ you must ask Jesus Christ to save you and forgive your sins.

Are you being fed? Now I love to eat as much as the next guy. The belt on my pants is nothing more than a leather fence around a chicken graveyard. But physical hunger and spiritual hunger are total opposites.

Physical hunger is quenched by eating. However, when you begin to be spiritually fed, you can't seem to get enough. It's important to feel spiritually full when you leave church. And remember, if you don't, it's not always the chef's fault. Some people are just picky eaters.

Selecting a church is so important. It should not be done carelessly. I hope that you are in a church that is feeding your soul and encouraging your heart. If so, why not tell your pastor this Sunday, it might do you both good.

But if you are currently looking, let me encourage you to look carefully. God does have a special place just for you!

Jeff Davenport is pastor at Mamre Baptist Church in Kitts Hill. He can be reached at