Country must now unite, support Obama

Published 9:40 am Friday, November 7, 2008

The election is finally over. It seemed to take forever.

Oh that’s right, it did — two years.

Like the majority of Lawrence Countians, I voted for John McCain. I stand by that decision.

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I had more reasons not to vote for Obama, however, none of them were because he is African American. This election was historic.

Obama is now going to be president of the United States. The people have spoken by a resounding majority.

I hope all Americans get behind this president now and help him do a good job. I hope he surrounds himself with people who give him sound advice and he uses that advice to make the decisions that effect the whole world, not just the United States.

It is our duty as citizens of this great country to not only vote, but to support the winner, even if he was not our choice. It is also our duty to ask ourselves what we can do as individuals to help fix the problems now facing our country.

It is our duty to be responsible for our own actions. If we all did that, we wouldn’t need someone else to “fix it.”

Now, more than ever, we live in an era where people feel like they are victims and someone owes them something. Half can’t even tell you how they were wronged or what they are owed.

Our children are lazy, they want something for nothing, and whatever it is, it is not enough. If they get in trouble, it was someone else’s fault.

Accountability starts at home. If we all teach our children responsibility instead of entitlement, maybe we will create a better future for everyone.