Leaders need to work together

Published 10:11 pm Saturday, January 10, 2009

Not having enough money for Lawrence County’s government, it seems, is a vicious and never-ending cycle.

Every year, we hear county commissioners asking, urging, even almost begging, office holders to cut their budgets and live within their means. Every year, some offices do and others do not.

So, surprise, surprise, the commissioners have released a proposed 2009 budget that is asking officeholders to again find ways to cut 15 percent from the amount appropriated to each office in 2008.

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The proposed budget is based on estimated revenues of $12,880,270 and a carryover of $409,299 from 2008, meaning total available funds are expected to amount to $13,289,569.

With more than $13 million in appropriations, the county general fund would have about $200,000 left over to start 2010.

That may be a lot of money for the average citizen but is only a drop in the bucket for the county government.

And all this is contingent on revenue coming in as projected. With a stagnant economy and uncertain future, nothing should be taken for granted.

Now is time for substantial changes to be made in each and every office. The reality is that some jobs will have to be cut and services and duties consolidated.

But commissioners should also look at some departments that may need to go beyond the 15 percent.

Office holders have argued that they operate efficiently and are already understaffed but that simply doesn’t matter.

The reality is there is only so much money and drastic changes must be made now.

It will take sacrifice and an open mind but it can be done, if all our leaders work together and look at the big picture.