Theme chosen for parade

Published 10:16 am Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It’s official: “Freedom Forever In The USA” is the theme for the 2009 edition of the Ironton-Lawrence County Memorial Day Parade.

The theme was chosen Monday evening with the parade committee met. Grand Marshal Arthur Pierson said the vote was unanimous. The only other submission was “Memorial Hall.”

“To me, when we speak of freedom forever, I think of the freedoms we have. In other countries, they don’t have the freedoms we do. Some have dictators; you’re at their mercy when in their country. Here we have freedom,” Pierson said. “I just though that was very fitting.”

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Person said more than 30 new members joined the parade committee and he hopes they are willing to roll up their sleeves and work hard to make this year’s parade a success.

“It seems like it’s (Memorial Day) is far away but it’s really not,” he said.

One new addition this year: banners are being made now that will be hung from the Woodland Cemetery overpass crossing U.S. 52. The two-feet-high, eight-feet-long white banners will bear the words “We Support Our Troops.”

Parade planning moves into high gear with the next meeting at 7 pm. March 9 at the Veterans of Foreign wars 8850 post home on South Third Street.