News in brief – 3/12/09
Published 10:02 am Thursday, March 12, 2009
Skydivers to host Safety Day Saturday
CHESAPEAKE — Tri-State Skydivers will hold a Safety Day Saturday at their headquarters at the Lawrence County Air Park. It will be a series of workshops and seminars on skydiving safety for jumpers and potential jumpers.
“It will get people ready for the new year of jumping,” Larry Lemaster of Tri-State said. The event will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will end with a cookout. For more information, contact Lemaster at (606) 923-7475.
Library hosts book trailer contest
PROCTORVILLE — Teens can make a movie trailer on their favorite book and enter it in a contest going on at the Briggs Library. In honor of Teen Tech Week, the library is sponsoring the contest where teens create a video on their favorite book using the format of a preview trailer that is shown in movie theaters.
The trailer must be two minutes or less and be posted to YouTube with the title “Briggs Library Book Trailer Contest.” Contestants must be between the ages of 12 to 18. Teens are to email their name, age, phone number and URL for book trailer to to enter the contest. The contest is open through the month of March. One winner will be chosen by the Briggs staff and received a CD case and a CD.
For more information contact Amy Ward at the Proctorville branch at or call 886-6697.
Memorabilia sought for SPFD
SOUTH POINT — The South Point Fire Department is getting ready to celebrate its 75th anniversary in August and wants some help from past firefighters, their families and area residents.
The department is hoping to put on display memorabilia collected through those seven decades.
“Anybody who had any connections to South Point Fire Department, if they have any old mementoes, pictures, old equipment. Some people have really old stuff,” Deborah Stephens, a South Point firefighter, said. “We are having an open house and want to display them and make a scrap book. The celebration and open house is scheduled for the weekend of Aug. 29 and 30.
For more information, contact the fire station at (740) 377-4443.
Pancake breakfast set to help diabetes
SOUTH POINT — Proceeds from an upcoming pancake breakfast at a Huntington, W.Va., restaurant will go to Eat 4 a Cure 2009, sponsored by Niccole Franklin, of South Point, whose 6-year-old daughter Cassidy battles Type 1 diabetes. Money raised from the event will go to juvenile diabetes research. In June Cassidy will appear before Congress to tell legislators what it is like to live with the disease.
The breakfast will be from 8 to 10 a.m. Saturday, March 28, at Max & Erma’s in Pullman Square. Cost is $10 for pancakes, sausage and a T-shirt. For more information, contact Franklin at (304) 654-6507 or steps _ away@