Teens meet for fellowship
Published 10:24 am Thursday, March 26, 2009
CHESAPEAKE — With the easy candor of a teenager Jessie Adkins explains why she is a devoted member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
“It is a really cool way to worship God,” Adkins said.
Every Wednesday the Chesapeake Middle student and her classmates come before the school day starts on their own time with a single purpose in mind — to show their desire to strengthen their faith in a half-hour of weekly Bible study and camaraderie.
“It’s students interested in learning about Christ and salvation,” explained Tina Wilcoxon, teacher-sponsor and co-founder of FCA with principal Ben Coleman. “We saw a need for kids who wanted to know more and didn’t attend a church. They knew we were all involved in our churches.”
This Wednesday morning substitute teacher Josh Webb gave the teens tips on how to get the most out of reading their Bibles.
“In churchy circles, you hear that you’ve got to read your Bible,” Webb said. “What they don’t tell you is how to read your Bible. You don’t know where to start.
“If you want to have time in the Bible,” Webb advised the students to begin with prayer — “that He would show you something.”
It’s that kind of no-nonsense approach to faith that draws the students in, so much so that they don’t seem to mind giving up a weekend night for the annual lock-in.
This Friday from 10 p.m. until 6 a.m. seventh and eighth graders will fill the gym and cafeteria for an all-nighter of games, preaching, praise and worship services.
This will be the 12th annual lock-in open to any seventh and eighth grader in the area and the second for Adkins who discovered it is now easier for her to witness.
“It is easier to talk to people about God now,” she said.
For Sarah Brumfield it’s the fellowship of the night-long event that’s appealing.
“Just to be with all of your friends and guest speakers and kind of understand about everybody’s point of view,” she said.
In-between rounds of dodge’em ball and scavenger hunts, the teens can listen to music from C3 Praise Band from the Cross Community Church in South Point as well as speakers.
Anyone wanting to participate in the lock-in needs to register with the school by 2 p.m. Friday by calling 867-3972.