Drug plan is good medicine
Published 12:13 am Sunday, June 14, 2009
With thousands of Lawrence Countians struggling to make ends meet, Lawrence County Commissioner Les Boggs may have found the perfect prescription, so to speak.
Boggs has proposed a county-wide prescription drug savings plan that would offer potential savings for residents who are uninsured, under insured or purchasing prescriptions that aren’t covered under their own plans.
This proposal could save those who use it an average of 23 percent on prescription medicines.
The best thing? This prescription plan itself essentially won’t cost the county a dime, although there is a $1,300 per year cost for the county to be a part of NACo, an organization that provides this and a variety of other services to county governments.
Although this may not help the county’s coffers, it could certainly help its citizens.
Isn’t that the highest goal of elected officials, to improve the lives of their constituents?
We applaud Boggs for the hard work on this plan and the effort to help put forth to alleviate some of the financial burden residents are facing due to the sluggish economy.
The plan has been sent to the prosecutor’s office for review and Boggs’ fellow commissioners will review it as well before the proposal is formally voted on.
Based on preliminary analysis and information, this looks like a win-win situation for the county and its residents.
County leaders — and ultimately all elected officials — take a lot of criticism for nearly every action they take or do not take.
But this is a case where we hope the citizens offer the deserved praise to a county leader who has stepped up, worked hard and found a way to potentially have a positive impact on the lives of those he represents.
In this situation, Boggs has certainly earned the title of public servant.