Published 12:58 pm Monday, June 15, 2009
Sheriff’s office
Assault — Township Road 1186, South Point Friday, man reportedly struck with 2001 Chevrolet Blazer, Josh K. Adkins, 24, 76 Private Drive 2826, South Point, arrested and taken to jail.
Ironton police
Theft — 1400 block South First Street Friday, tools taken.
Sink hole — Ninth Street and Park Avenue Friday, hole opening in alley, city street department advised.
Shots fired — 2800 block South Fifth Street Friday, determined may have been fireworks, not gunshots.
Theft— 600 block Vernon Street Friday, purse taken.
Fight — Fuzzy Duck, Center Street boat landing Friday, those involved left prior to officer’s arrival.
Threats — 1000 block North Fifth Street Friday, two teens reportedly threatened by neighbor.
Stolen vehicle — 2000 block South Fourth Street Friday, 2006 Ford Taurus and other items taken, suspect named.
Subject with gun — Vicinity of Third and Heplar streets Friday, young man reportedly walking around with rifle, negative contact.
County jail
— Misty Shavor, 29, 1822 County Road 61, Kitts Hill, probation violation Friday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.
— Bethany Clark, 28, Wheelersburg, commitment Friday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.
— Pamela D. Parks, 42, 745 County Road 171, Scottown, DUI Friday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.
— Cassandra L. Robinson, 30, 7134 State Route 243, South Point, commitment Friday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.
— Adam Litchfield, 26, Huntington, W.Va., commitment Friday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.
— Justin L. Wolfe, 21, Columbus, commitment Friday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.
— Thomas G. Clay, 25, Patriot, outstanding warrant Friday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.
— John L. Keeney, 35, Huntington, W.Va., violation of protection order Friday by the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office.