Social Security offers variety of online services

Published 10:03 am Thursday, June 18, 2009

Americans love their computers. In fact, a recent study shows that the number of Americans who use the Internet has more than doubled over the past 10 years, reaching nearly three quarters of the U.S. population.

Nearly half of all Americans have a high-speed Internet connection at home, compared to only five percent at the start of the decade.

The study indicates that Internet use is even beginning to outpace traditional media. Younger Americans spend more time online than in front of a television.

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But as most people know, the Internet is a gateway to more than media and entertainment. It is a highly accepted way to do business.

As Americans become increasingly comfortable with the security and convenience of doing things on the Internet, online business is becoming more and more popular.

There is so much you can do at Social Security’s Web site from the convenience of your home or office. Here are some of our best online services:

Use our Retirement Estimator to get a quick and accurate estimate of your future Social Security retirement benefits.

Prepare for your retirement by visiting our Benefits Planner where you can get all your ducks in a row. You can also go here to use the disability and survivors planners to find out how much you or your family might qualify for if the need arises.

Retire online! You can complete and submit your retirement application in as little as 15

Apply for disability benefits online.

There’s even more you can do at So whether you’re interested in planning your retirement or applying for disability, learning about Social Security’s history or finding out about how the system works, our online office is the most convenient one to visit.

In survey after survey, Social Security’s online services top customer satisfaction lists.

That’s because doing business with Social Security online is fast, convenient, and secure. And it’s so easy!

Next time you’re online, visit

Bette L. Backus is the Social Security manager in Ironton.