Commissioners address local concern in roadway fatality

Published 9:48 am Friday, June 19, 2009

“I just don’t want this to happen to anyone else.”

That was the plea to the Lawrence County Commission Thursday from the father of a young man killed Christmas night on Charley Creek Road.

Randy Taylor, of South Point, asked the commission to take necessary measures to correct flooding on that roadway.

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Roman Corey Taylor died when his vehicle skidded on an icy patch of pavement, left the road and struck a tree.

Randy Taylor said some ditches in the area where his son was killed are clogged and because drainage is poor, water often collects on the roadway.

In the wintertime that water freezes. There is no guardrail to protect motorists from sliding off into a nearby creek when the roadway becomes icy in cold weather.

“In the summer it’s just a nuisance but in the winter…” Taylor said.

Taylor said there are some areas where, if there was a ditch, water could be channeled under the road. He submitted a petition with 100 signatures of concerned citizens who want to see something done.

The commission agreed to forward the petition to the county engineer’s office and explained that as commissioners they do not have the authority to require the Lawrence County Engineer David Lynd to do anything because he is an elected officeholder just as they are.

They sympathized with the situation.

“Charley Creek is probably one of our most traveled roads,” Commission President Jason Stephens said.