Wheelin’ Sportsmen fishing day scheduled at Lake Vesuvius
Published 10:03 am Wednesday, March 31, 2010
PEDRO — The seventh annual Wheelin’ Sportsmen Fishing Day is scheduled for Thursday, April 15, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the Wayne National Forest Lake Vesuvius Recreation Area boardwalk.
Lake Vesuvius is located off State Route 93, approximately one-mile east on Lawrence County Road 29 (Paddle Creek Road).
Wheelin’ Sportsmen, a National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) outreach program, provides individuals across the country with mental and physical challenges with opportunities to participate in fishing, hunting, bird watching, and other outdoor pursuits.
The Lake Vesuvius fishing event is hosted through a partnership that includes the South Hills Longbeards Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, Wayne National Forest, Ohio University Southern Nature Center, Lawrence County Bass Club, Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife and City National Bank.
The Lawrence County Commissioners recently issued a proclamation naming April 15 “Wheelin’ Sportsmen Day.”
In 2009, the Wayne National Forest Wheelin’ Sportsmen Program was recognized at the NWTF National Convention in Nashville, Tenn.
The NWTF presented the Ironton Ranger District the Making Tracks with the Forest Service National Award for Conservation Education. The organization spoke highly of the district’s work to partner with the South Hills Longbeards Chapter of the NWTF to provide events and new venues for sportsmen with disabilities in the national forest.
Those interested in participating in the Wheelin’ Sportsmen Fishing Day should contact the Wayne National Forest’s Ironton Ranger District at (740) 534-6500 to pre-register.