Museum opening set for Sunday
Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 4, 2010
Spring has finally come and now is the time we turn our attention toward the Lawrence County Historical Museum.
A new president, Bob Cleary, has taken his place. Fondalene Alfrey is the new vice president. Herb Brown is the treasurer and Margaret Rehme is the secretary.
The trustees are Nancy Livingston, Debbie Rogers, Peggy Karshner, Gail Webb and Naomi Deer. John Rehme will also be on the board as committee chairman.
The museum will open Sunday featuring an exhibit at the military.
The docent leader is Elizabeth Melvin and as she starts planning for more docents to help, she needs more volunteers.
The docent will be required to volunteer one afternoon a month from 1 to 4 p.m. and spend time helping with other activities as needed.
We are looking forward to seeing you Sunday at the museum and be greeted at the door by Nannie Kelly Wright as she offers you tea at 1 p.m. The character of Nannie will be portrayed by Kay Rader.
Historical Fact:
Charles Kingsbury was born in Brookline, Mass. In addition to common education, he spent sometime at Phillips Academy at Andover. In 1889 he moved from Boston to Haverhill, Scioto County.
Then he moved to Ashland, Ky., and continued his employment as a teacher in Ashland and Greenup, Ky. Shortly after the organization of the Union School District in Ironton he was asked to accept the job as school superintendent.
He moved to Ironton in 1851. He was an efficient teacher and a just superintendent, which caused the success of our schools.
The position was occupied with great acceptance and success until he resigned in 1865. He was the first superintendent in Ironton’s school district.