New ‘My Money’ Web site can help you

Published 10:54 am Friday, May 28, 2010

There’s good news for Americans who want help getting a handle on their finances.

The official government website dedicated to teaching all Americans the basics of financial education,, is now loaded with more information and is even easier to use.

The new site has enhanced interactive features and provides more resources to Americans seeking information that can help with their personal financial decisions.

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The new website creates an online point of access to financial information from the 21 federal agencies, departments, and bureaus — including Social Security — that comprise the Financial Literacy and Education Commission.

Visitors to the site can find information about how to plan, financially, for a host of life events, such as the birth or adoption of a child, home ownership, or retirement. Users also can find information targeted to their personal or professional situation.

For instance, the site offers resources for teachers, military service members, women, parents, youth, and employers.

The site also provides money management tools including a financial savings calculator, worksheets for establishing a household budget, and a college preparation checklist.

The site also is available in Spanish. The effort to make the website as helpful and useful to Americans will be ongoing, with improvements expected to continue.

In addition to being a member of the commission responsible for this site, Social Security offers other ways to help you with your finances.

For example, you can use the online Retirement Estimator to get a personalized, instant estimate of what your future retirement benefits will be in different situations.

The estimator is available at

Learn more about Social Security at

For more about the basics of financial education, whether you’re buying a house or balancing your checkbook, visit

Bette L. Backus is manager of the Social Security office in Ironton.