Election will be crucial for nation’s future

Published 9:42 am Wednesday, September 22, 2010

As the November general election draws near, it is difficult to determine what is most concerning: Blind partisanship or voter apathy.

Most citizens, seemingly, are falling squarely into one category of the other.

Both closed-minded perspectives could be extremely damaging to our country, our state and our region.

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Mid-term elections are always a heated contest with both parties wrangling for control. This year may be among the worst in a decade or more.

The first step is to get middle America engaged. The far left and far right are the ones who are most active but the Independents and the moderates are more representative of the entire nation.

Now is the time for citizens to start paying attention and thinking for themselves. Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet, see on TV or even read in the newspapers.

Most Americans are smart enough to make up their own minds and cut through all the rhetoric and partisan propaganda.

Democrats aren’t to blame for all the ills that have impacted our nation in recent years. The Republicans didn’t allow this to happen either.

Both parties are equally to blame for the struggles that have plagued the economy. Neither side has the magic solution that will quickly solve all of our problems. Anyone who says otherwise is trying to sell you something.

Regardless of who says the recession is over or not, it will take bi-partisan effort and an engaged public to get the nation back on track.