Ironton’s flood levy up for renewal

Published 11:14 pm Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ironton residents will vote on a renewal for the flood levy on the November ballot.

Ironton residents will notice a renewal for its flood levy on the November ballot. The levy that supports the upkeep of the city’s approximately six miles of floodwall is up for a vote this year.

“It’s vital to our community. We have to have this levy passed,” Mayor Rich Blankenship said. “It protects our city.”

The levy brings in $113,900 per year. For a homeowner with a $50,000 house, it costs $13.50 per year. For a $100,000 home, it costs $27 per year. For a $150,000 home, it costs $40.50 for the homeowner.

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“We just want to encourage the city of Ironton that this is a much-needed levy and they’re not paying any more. It’s just a renewal,” Mike Pemberton, streets superintendent for the city, said.

The flood levy pays for the salaries and benefits of the two staff members in charge of caring for the pump stations. It also pays for the upkeep of the 1940 model pump stations and for the equipment like tractors that keep the grass trimmed on the earthen floodwall.

“We want to keep the floodwall on schedule for grass cutting,” Blankenship said.

Trees and vegetation can weaken the wall. It’s important to have a tractor that can withstand the steep floodwall, Blankenship said.

“It’s something people don’t think about it until we need it,” he said.

The 1-mil levy is up for renewal every five years. Election day is Nov. 2.