Republican David Daniels takes 17th Senate District
Published 3:06 am Wednesday, November 3, 2010
By Michelle Goodman
The Tribune
In the race for Ohio’s 17th Senate District, the Republican candidate swept all but one county in the district, Gallia County, according to unofficial results by the Ohio Secretary of State.
David Daniels, currently serving his fourth term in the Ohio House of Representatives, beat Democratic candidate, Justin Fallon, a Gallia County Commissioner, for the Senate seat on Tuesday.
Unofficial voting results showed that Daniels got 63.45 percents of votes over Fallon’s 36.55 percent including Lawrence County by over 63 percent.
“I feel great,” said Daniels. “I feel humbled that the people of the 17th District placed their trust in me to be their voice on the Ohio Senate.”
Fallon was not available for comment, but his campaign manager, Ryan Monell, said that Fallon was disappointed in the loss, but proud of their campaign work. He also said that Fallon wouldn’t shy away from future public service offices.
Daniels, who said he would be spending a quiet evening at home with his wife to celebrate, said that his first priorities in the Senate would be to tackle the budget and the economy.
“We’re going to have to work on those issues and if we can solves a lot of those problems, a lot of the other problems we face as a state will pretty much solve themselves,” Daniels said.
He also said he realized that there are a lot of problems facing the district. During his campaign he said that Ohio needed to work on its tax and regulatory structure and also reducing the taxes.
“We’re just going to have to roll up our sleeves and work with everybody both local elected officials and other statewide leaders to solve the problems that we face as a state. That’s the job and that’s what we’re looking forward to doing.”