Company did its part of city’s manhole project
Published 10:00 am Wednesday, May 4, 2011
I would like clear up misinformation that appeared in an article titled “City to receive bids for manhole rehab project”, which appeared in The Tribune on April 26, 2011.
The article stated that bids are going to be received for the last part of the manhole rehabilitation project that commenced in 2010.
The article stated that FeeCorp was originally awarded the project, “but the company’s product for the project did not meet the specifications, so the project was stopped.” This statement is false.
FeeCorp does not manufacture nor have any ownership interest in the manufacturer/distributor of the product that was used in the Ironton Manhole Rehabilitation project that was started in 2010.
The product that was used during the project in 2010 was chosen by the City of Ironton.
FeeCorp Corporation was merely an applicator that was hired as a subcontractor, by Reynolds Inliner LLC, the prime contractor, to rehabilitate specific manholes using material and methods prescribed by the General Contractor, Reynolds Inliner LLC and the City of Ironton bid specifications.
FeeCorp Corporation was not a bidder on the project, nor were they awarded a contract by the City of Ironton.
FeeCorp was hired by Reynolds Inliner LLC., to perform the manhole portion of the project to the specifications of that were given by Reynolds Inliner LLC.
All materials used by FeeCorp Corporation were mandated by the contract specifications for the Ironton Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation contracted dated June 2009.
FeeCorp Corporation did not write the contract specifications, the company was merely following the directions of the prime contractor and contract specifications.
Karen Peterson, CPA
Controller, FeeCorp Corporation