Time to mark Older Americans Month
Published 10:00 am Thursday, May 12, 2011
May is a pretty special time of the year at our agency — it’s Older Americans Month.
It’s a time to celebrate the wonderful contributions given by so many older Ohioans in our communities and express our gratitude for their years of positive influence and dedication to their families, friends and neighbors.
This year’s theme for the month, which is observed all across our nation and state, is Older Americans: Connecting the Communities.
During this month, we join with our providers, local senior centers and other important partners in the aging network, in paying homage to the many ways in which older adults bring inspiration and continuity to the fabric of our communities.
This year’s theme also highlights the many ways technology is helping older Americans live longer, healthier and more engaged lives.
Looking at the artwork that has been submitted for our annual art show is a perfect testimony to this theme and there is one definite observation that I have made – we have a lot of talented older Ohioans living in our district.
I hope you have the opportunity to attend our art show so that you can see the wonderful gift of art that so many of our seniors possess. It certainly is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate our older adults this May.
Please call our Agency at 1-800-582-7277 for more information about days and times the art gallery will be open.
We at the Area Agency on Aging District 7 are certainly proud of the opportunities we have had with providing a variety of options for older adults in our district who are interested in long-term care.
The services and programs we can provide give us the opportunity to promote happy and productive lives for seniors and those with disabilities.
It’s hard to believe, but next year will mark 40 years of service for our agency.
It is very humbling for our staff to know that for 40 years, we have had the opportunity to provide seniors and those with disabilities with the services that allow them the option to stay in the comfort of their own homes.
Over that time, we have also taken seriously our role as an advocacy voice for seniors and continue to support initiatives and programs that promote their well-being and safety.
So, a happy Older Americans Month to all. Please take the time this month to recognize seniors throughout our 10 counties and be sure to thank them for their role in connecting our communities.
Pamela K. Matura is the executive director Area Agency on Aging District 7.