Helping You Age Better: Extending appreciation
Published 10:11 am Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Each June is a special time for our Agency as we have the opportunity to publically thank the many individuals and groups who help support our programs and services for seniors and those with disabilities in our ten-county region.
This formal extension of our appreciation takes place at our Annual Appreciation Brunch held at the Southern Ohio Medical Center Friends Center in Portsmouth.
This year, we welcomed more than 250 attendees and recognized many individuals and groups who make it possible for our Agency to provide assistance to a number of individuals in our ten-county district.
Soon, a formal news article will be released to local media outlets that will include more detail regarding the special event, but as a part of this month’s column, I wanted to share a special “thank you” once more to those who were recognized.
First, the recipients of our “William A. Jenkins Award,” which is named in memory of William A. Jenkins, a native of Gallia County, who helped build the aging network in southern Ohio through the Area Agency on Aging District 7, Inc. (AAA7). Our Agency presents this award annually to an outstanding contributor to the southern Ohio aging network.
This year, there was no question as to who the award should go to – our AAA7 service providers who help us provide home and community-based services to the consumers throughout our ten-county district.
Our Agency providers were especially outstanding this year specific to advocacy efforts surrounding our state budget.
Without the help of our providers, our advocacy efforts would not have been as successful, and without solid funding available for home and community-based services, our seniors and those with disabilities would not have the fair choices they deserve regarding long-term care.
Additional recognitions that took place during the event included:
• AAA7 Ombudsman Volunteers
• Art Show Volunteers and Winners
• Outstanding Seniors from Each County
• Local Individuals Recognized by the Ohio Department of Aging
• Community Service Award (American Red Cross)
• Partnership Award (Law Enforcement Officers Across our Counties)
Thanks to these individuals and groups, the AAA7 has a lot to be thankful for.
We appreciate their continued support of our programs and contributions to seniors and those with disabilities in our communities.
If you or someone you know could benefit from home and community-based services, give us a call toll-free at 1-800-582-7277.
We are ready to assist you with information and assistance regarding long-term care services and what programs are available to best suit your needs.
We can answer questions, provide you with solutions, or come to your home at no cost to talk more in depth about long-term care options.
Call us today – we are here to help you age better!
Pamela K. Matura is executive director of the Area Agency on Aging District 7. The non-profit agency serves senior citizens in Adams, Brown, Gallia, Highland, Jackson, Lawrence, Pike, Ross, Scioto and Vinton counties.