Ohio Project about health care freedom of choice

Published 8:35 am Tuesday, August 9, 2011

In the Thursday, Aug. 4 newspaper, in the “Other Views” column, there is an excerpt taken from The Columbus Dispatch, “Health Care amendment about attracting voters.”

As a member of The Ohio Project, I am in great disagreement with the comments in this article.

The Ohio Project, a totally volunteer organization, has been working very diligently for the past 18 months, to collect 556,290 signatures, from Ohioans who are anxious to see this issue about health care put on the ballot in November.

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We began our laborious efforts long before SB5 was ever proposed. We invested our own time, energy and money to accomplish this.

No part of our reasoning for “pushing” the Health Care Freedom Act has anything to do with “generating turnout by conservative voters.”

Despite what that article states, our ONLY objective is to give Ohioans the freedom of choice for their health care, instead of being forced to take what the government demands.

Other states have opted out of the forced government healthcare, and we want to give Ohioans the opportunity to do the same by voting for this amendment, State Issue 3, in November.

If it passes we will be allowed to choose whatever health care we want, whether it be the governments or what we already have or something different.

Freedom of choice, that is our objective.

Charlotte Rowley
