We live in a time to be thankful
Published 8:59 am Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thanksgiving is a unique American holiday. In keeping with its tradition, I think it is right and important to give thanks.
We have a lot to be concerned about, and there are many Americans currently going through tough times.
Expressing gratitude does not mean that we dismiss our concerns or forget about those in need, but rather, take time to reflect on what we do have to be thankful of.
First and foremost, I am very thankful to be an American. We are free to voice our opinions and disagree without fear of persecution.
Moreover, we can worship God freely, and we are able to go where we want to go.
Freedom is not free, and we are so blessed to have men and women across the world fighting and protecting our freedom, as well as all those who have gone before them.
Here in the 87th House District, I am thankful to the voters who have given me the opportunity to serve them as their state representative.
In addition, I have a strong appreciation for all the people in my life: family, friends, and all the communities that I serve, as well as my colleagues in the Ohio House.
All 99 of my fellow state representatives are different, but we share a common love for our country and state. I also want to give thanks to all of the Americans who work hard to earn a living, raise their families, and pay their taxes.
They are truly the backbone of our nation.
This Thanksgiving, I have a few of my own personal observations. I am thankful for the lives of former Congressman Clarence Miller and my grandmother, Ruby Scites. They both passed this year, and they were great people who influenced my life.
Finally, I am grateful for all of the people that are giving of themselves to ensure that others less fortunate have a brighter Thanksgiving.
For those who are in need, graciously accept any help that someone may give and understand that you also have something to give in allowing yourself to receive help.
Gratitude in itself is a gift. From my family to yours, I wish you all a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
John Carey serves in Ohio’s 87th District of the House of Representatives, which includes eastern Lawrence County. He can be reached at (614) 466-1366, by writing to: Ohio House of Representatives, 77 S. High St., Columbus, OH 43215, or via e-mail at District87@ohr.state.oh.us.