Lawmakers should cut their own retirement

Published 9:07 am Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Before you complain about a person who spends more than 20 years serving this country in time of peace or war, walk in their shoes.

Then look at federal employees retirement. They have two plans: Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) or Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). They only have to have five years or more to draw their retirement at the age of 62. Or members are eligible at age 50 with 20 years of service. After 25 years of service, they are eligible at any age.

And here’s the kicker. Under CSRS, they will draw $60,972 a year for life.

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I do not draw a veteran’s pension, but I don’t begrudge what a 20 year service man gets as they deserve it more than our self-serving politicians do.

Each party, after election, forgets what they said and only do what it takes to be re-elected to the next term.

Put them in with the rest of us workers and let them see how good those on Social Security have it. Most husband and wife pairs usually draw less than $25,000 a year and they want to cut that, not their retirement.

Homer Campbell
