Published 8:03 pm Saturday, July 7, 2012

Coal Grove police

Telecommunication harassment — Speedway, 11:50 a.m. Wednesday, man allegedly leaving threatening messages on woman’s voicemail, woman will file for restraining order.

Vehicular vandalism — Giovanni’s/Foodfair parking lots, 10:59 p.m. Tuesday, man allegedly threw rocks at wife’s car while threatening her.

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Vandalism, disorderly conduct — 700 block High Street, 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, woman allegedly hit parked motorcycle in front of her residence with her vehicle door and put nails around the motorcycles tires, woman allegedly became irate with police when asked for her insurance information, Tamara Locey, 49, of 745 High St., Coal Grove, arrested.

Theft — 200 block Ridgeway St., 3:30 a.m. June 30, Glock 23, three .40 caliber magazines, flashlight, handcuffs and gloves reported stolen from truck.

Assault — Sunset Nursing Center, 3:31 p.m. June 29, male residents bumped wheelchairs, one male allegedly attacked the other, one resident taken to King’s Daughters Medical Center for a mental evaluation.

Theft — 600 block Pike Street, noon June 27, 17 different medications stolen from residence.

Theft — Sunset Nursing Center, June 27, employee allegedly used company credit card to charge $886.43 worth of food at Foodfair, an additional $156.86 worth of food stolen from the center.

Breaking and entering — 200 block Hamilton Street, 9 a.m. June 20, medication, gold chains and $30 in change stolen from residence.

Passing bad checks — June 6, woman allegedly wrote checks from a closed account to the Coal Grove Betterment Club for rental of the Jae Roush Community Building.

Burglary — 200 block Memorial Street, June 11, cordless drills and batteries stolen from garage of Memorial United Methodists Church, $40 in change taken from child’s piggybank in parsonage.

Burglary — 400 block Marion Pike, June 10, $500 in cash and a brass vase stolen from residence.

Theft — 200 block Ridgeway Street, June 8, medication taken from residence.

Vandalism — 400 block Marion Pike, June 8, vehicle keyed.