Tribune now fully on-the-go
Published 12:12 am Sunday, September 9, 2012
To say that technology is changing faster than we can keep up with it would be the understatement of the 21st Century, about like saying an iMac is more powerful than a Commodore 64 computer.
Cars. Televisions. Cameras. Video recorders. Music players. Everything has changed dramatically.
Twenty five years ago mobile telephones were all but unheard of in most circles. Today almost everyone has a cellular phone, devices that are more powerful than even the government’s supercomputers of the past.
The world is, quite literally, at our fingertips now.
The Internet, services like iTunes, “cloud” data storage, books-on-demand and other luxuries have become part of our everyday lives.
Information can now be accessed from virtually anywhere, a concept that is greatly beneficial to the newspaper industry while at the same time posing challenges that will force media companies to adapt.
With all that said, The Tribune is happy to roll out its new mobile website. This is at least the third version in recent years as we continue to try to serve our readers and improve the way people access their local news.
Visitors can get to it the exact same way they would the regular site. Just type into a web browser on your smart phone. Although we may add one in the future, you don’t even need an “app” because the site already adjusts to provide information in a way that works well on mobile devices.
Simply bookmark it on your phone and you will be ready to always have The Tribune on-the-go.
This current version greatly surpasses any of the previous offerings and essentially allows readers to have full access to all the content that is on the full site, although it is repackaged slightly. Earlier versions were flawed in that they looked vastly different, didn’t function as intended and often offered a watered-down version of The Tribune.
This fully functioning mobile site will allow visitors access to all the news, sports, opinions, photographs and other features we offer about what is going on in your community.
Our mission — one which we feel we accomplish but are always working harder to do more every day — is to cover Lawrence County news better than anyone.
This is another positive step in that direction.
Michael Caldwell is publisher of The Tribune. To reach him, call (740) 532-1445 ext. 24 or by e-mail at Follow him on Twitter: @MikeCaldwell_IT.