Nation must recapture unity of 9/11
Published 9:31 am Tuesday, September 11, 2012
It is a date — Sept. 11, 2001 — that most Americans will never forget and one that continues to touch our lives.
Although most of the attention is paid to anniversary dates considered milestones like 10, 15 and 20 years. But it was 11 years ago today that our nation changed forever — but maybe not quite as much as we need it to.
The cowardly terrorist attack on the World Trade Center towers in New York City, the Pentagon and an attempt that ended in a Pennsylvania field because the actions of some true heroes claimed the lives of 3,497 Americans.
In the days and months that followed our nation was more unified than it had been in decades, coming together as a country and putting politics aside.
We recapture a bit of that patriotism and pride on those milestone anniversaries but in general this is lost.
What would happen if we thought back on those days and made a commitment to carry that throughout the year? How much stronger would our country be if we committed to put our idea logical differences aside and work toward a common goal, much as we did the days following 9/11?
The wounds of the anniversary of the greatest tragedy our nation has ever faced can cause the spark that helps us truly heal.