News in Brief – 10/3/12

Published 11:01 am Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Ironton native graduates from medical school

Michael P. Klein took part in the White Coat Ceremony on Aug. 10 for the class of 2016 at the David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA.

Klein graduated from Pomona College in Claremont, Calif., in 2010 with a bachelor of arts degree in molecular biology and emphasis in mathematical economics.

Since graduating he has served as a business analyst with Deloitte Consulting, LLP, specializing in healthcare administration, based in the Los Angeles office.

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Klein is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Klein and the grandson of Ruth W. Klein of Ironton.


South Point man joins association

SOUTH POINT — William C Hicks of South Point, is a new junior member of the American Angus Association®, reports Bryce Schumann, CEO of the national organization with headquarters in Saint Joseph, Mo.

Junior members of the Association are eligible to register cattle in the American Angus Association, participate in programs conducted by the National Junior Angus Association and take part in Association-sponsored shows and other national and regional events.

The American Angus Association is the largest beef breed association in the world, with more than 25,000 active adult and junior members.


DH&H Cattle join American Angus Association

SOUTH POINT — DH&H Cattle of South Point are new members of the American Angus Association®, reports Bryce Schumann, CEO of the national breed organization headquartered in Saint Joseph, Mo.

The association records ancestral information, keeps production records on individual animals, and develops industry-leading selection tools for its members. These programs and services help members select and mate the best animals in their herds to produce quality genetics for the beef cattle industry and quality beef for consumers.


Two-day book sale set

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — The Friends of the Library will conduct a two-day used book sale at the Cabell County Public Library on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 5 and 6.

“I need to emphasize that this sale is for two days only, rather than the three-day sales we’ve conducted in the past,” said Josephine Fidler, who chairs the sale. “There will be no sale on Thursday.”

The sale will be located on the fourth floor of the downtown library at 455 Ninth St. Sale hours each day will be 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The sale will feature gently used books, magazines, records and tapes, CDs and DVDs. Shoppers who purchase $20 worth of books will earn a “ Book Buck,” a coupon worth $1 at the group’s next sale in February.

Proceeds from the sale, one of three conducted by the Friends of the Library each year, will be used to improve library services and facilities. Information on the book sale or on joining the Friends may be had by calling the library at (304) 528-5700 or logging on to its Web site at