More quotes sought
Published 9:15 am Friday, September 20, 2013
With health insurance costs for county employees potentially on the rise for next year, Lawrence County Commissioner Les Boggs has asked for quotes from two other insurance carriers.
During the commissioners’ regular Thursday meeting, Boggs reported that he has asked for quotes from Central States and CEBCO (County Employee Benefits Consortium of Ohio). He expects those figures within seven to 10 days.
“I think it is important for the taxpayers that we shop around for the best value and we anticipate the insurance rate of our current carrier going up significantly,” Boggs said. “We have been informed that we may get a 30 percent increase. We owe it to our employees and the taxpayers to get the best value.”
Because of the high number of claims from employees this year, the county might have to spend an extra $1 million for coverage in 2014. So far this year there have been 573 claims with 11 of those costing more than $1 million.
Besides checking with other carriers the commissioners have discussed the possibility of starting a health reinvestment account with deductibles of $2,500 and $3,500.
With a reinvestment account deductibles can be increased allowing for lower premiums but the county pays part of those deductibles so employees’ share is not affected.
Also at the meeting the commissioners approved asking the county treasurer and Peck Shaffer bond counsel to see about a five-year general obligation bond for a total of $266,000 to pay for five cruisers and an ambulance for the county’s EMS.
In other action the commission:
• Approved the design for landslide repair on County Road 32;
• Agreed to donate $500 to the Early Childhood Academy to buy smoke detectors for clients in need;
• Approved the notice of award to Rolo Inc., for demolition of a former nursing home at 545 County Road 1, South Point;
• Approved the donation of two EMS ambulances to Collins Career Center with 285,000 miles and Hamilton Township Fire Department with 180,000 miles.
• Received the weekly dog warden report where 27 dogs were adopted or went to rescue, two were destroyed and one were redeemed by their owners. There were 120 dogs in custody this week.