McCallister Scouting Report to conduct QB/Receivers skills camp

Published 2:30 am Thursday, December 5, 2013

The first McCallister/Mauk QB/Receiver Camp will be held at the Superkick Indoor Sports Complex in Lewis Center on Sunday, Dec. 29. Registration will be from 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. The camp will run from 1-4 p.m.

The McCallister Scouting Report will host the camp. The camp is endorsed by the Ohio High School Football Coaches Association. The director is John McCallister.

The camp is open to quarterbacks and receivers in the classes of 2015, 2016, and 2017. Quarterbacks should bring their own football.

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Ben Mauk, former University of Cincinnati quarterback, will be the lead instructor for the quarterbacks along with some other quarterback coaches from all over Ohio. The receivers’ director has yet to be determined.

Since this camp is being held in December and campers have not concentrated on skills, the camp will be more instructional and “tweaking” with some evaluation. No negative comments will be released to the colleges.

Colleges will, however, get positive information on the quarterbacks and receivers. All campers will be listed in the McCallister Scouting Report. December is too early to provide detailed evaluations.

The cost is $30 pre-registered and $40 on day of. For more information and registration, check or email