God’s dream is better than our own
Published 12:45 am Sunday, April 20, 2014
In his book “Your Best Life Now,” Joel Osteen tells the story of a famous golfer who was invited by the king of Saudi Arabia to play in a golf tournament. The golf pro accepted the invitation, and the king flew his private jet over to pick him up.
They played golf for several days, and enjoyed a good time. As the golfer was getting on the plane to return to the United States, the king stopped him and said, “I want to give you a gift for coming all this way and making this time so special. Anything you want. What could I get you?”
Ever the gentleman, the golfer replied, “Oh, please, don’t get me anything. You’ve been a gracious host. I’ve had a wonderful time. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
The king was adamant. He said, “No, I insist on giving you something so you will always remember your journey to our country.”
When the golfer realized that the king was resolute, he said, “Okay, fine. I collect golf clubs. Why don’t you give me a golf club?”
He boarded the plane, and on his flight back home, he couldn’t help wondering what kind of golf club the king might give him. He imagined that it might be a solid gold putter with his name engraved on it. Or maybe it would be a sand wedge studded with diamonds and jewels. After all, this would be a gift from the oil-rich king of Saudi Arabia.
When the golfer got home, he watched the delivery services every day, to see if his golf club had come yet. Finally, several weeks later, he received a certified letter from the king of Saudi Arabia. The golfer thought that rather strange. “Where’s my golf club?” he wondered. He opened the envelope, and to his surprise, inside he discovered a deed to a 500-acre golf club.
Kings think differently than you and I think. And Jesus is the King of kings! The Bible tells us in Isaiah 55:8-9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
I have met certain people throughout my years of ministry who were afraid to trust God with their lives. They had no problem calling on God when they were in a jam or when a situation looked desperate. They accepted His forgiveness whenever they sinned. But when it came time for them to trust Him with their finances, family or future — they wouldn’t do it.
My friend, you can completely trust God with every area of your life. The One who created the winds and waves can also calm the storms in your life. The One who caused the apple tree to grow from a tiny seed will also provide food in your time of need.
We serve the Most High King and His dream for your life is so much bigger and better than you can even imagine.
Rev. Doug Johnson is the senior pastor at Bethel Temple Assembly of God in Huntington, W.Va. www.btag.org